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On the second Monday of the month, members gather for educational lectures and fun hands-on demonstrations while enjoying the camaraderie of fellow gardeners. Members also give generously of their time and expertise keeping Milford beautiful. We actively maintain various sites including the Colonel Shepard Bridge, Emerson Park, Korean War Memorial, and World War II Memorial.
Milford Garden Club programs are free and open to the public. Programs start at 10:30 a.m.. See Programs tab for more information.
Day: The second Monday of the month.
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Place: First Congregational Church Parish House, 10 Union Street, Milford, NH
Prior to the program, members gather for coffee, snacks, and conversation at 9:00 a.m. followed by a business meeting at 9:30 a.m.
Pamela Hunt, NH Audubon
Purple Martins are unique among our native birds in that populations in eastern North America are completely dependent upon artificial nesting structures provided by people. Despite plenty of available housing, the species is declining over a large portion of its range. This program provides an overview of martin biology and conservation, including some of the things individuals can do to help the species right here in New Hampshire.
Judy Hohenadel - / 603-673-3605
Alice Vargish, President -
Milford NH Garden Club